Aerodynamics: Even Einstein got it wrong!
Don’t feel bad if you have a hard time getting your head around explanations of aerodynamics.
It has confused some very smart people. Even Albert Einstein got it wrong. Before his E=MC2 days, he once tried to design a new wing shape, based on the commonly held principles of aerodynamics. It didn’t work.
Jšrgen Skogh wrote, “During the First World War Albert Einstein was for a time hired by the LVG (Luft-Verkehrs-Gesellshaft) as a consultant. At LVG he designed an airfoil with a pronounced mid-chord hump, an innovation intended to enhance lift.
The airfoil was tested in the Gšttingen wind tunnel and also on an actual aircraft and found, in both cases, to be a flop.” In 1954 Einstein wrote “Although it is probably true that the principle of flight can be most simply explained in this [Bernoullian] way it by no means is wise to construct a wing in such a manner!”
Skogh, Jšrgen. Einstein’s Folly and The Area of a Rectangle.